Zamzam Islami Hospital, Rajshahi is one of the best Hospitals in Rajshahi. The phone number, address and doctor list of Zamzam Islami Hospital – Rajshahi is added on our website Doctor Profile BD.
Contact Info
Zamzam Islami Hospital, Rajshahi
Address: Greater Road, Kazihata, Laxmipur, Rajshahi
Phone Number: +8801711192600, +8801732510961
Doctor List of Zamzam Islami Hospital Rajshahi
Zamzam Islami Hospital, Rajshahi Doctor List is given below with Doctors Name, Specialty, Qualification, Department and Workplace.
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Specialist Doctors of Zamzam Islami Hospital, Rajshahi
Zamzam Islami Hospital Rajshahi Doctor List:
Dr. Md. Hasanuzzaman Hasu
MBBS, DCH (Pediatrics)
Child Specialist
Shah Mokhdum Medical College & Hospital
Dr. M. B. Zaman
Eye Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Nakiba Sultana
Gynecology, Obstetrics Specialist & Surgeon
Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Mahfuza Shirin Lipi
Gynecology & Obstetrics Specialist
Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Abdullah Al Kafi
MBBS (Gold Medalist), MRCP (UK)
Medicine Specialist
Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Azizul Haque Abdullah
MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), FACP (USA)
Medicine & Rheumatology Specialist
Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Ahmed Masiha Jamil Arup
MBBS, CCD (BIRDEM), MD (Internal Medicine)
Medicine & Diabetes Specialist
Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital
Dr. S. M. Imdadul Haque
MBBS, MD (Neurology)
Neurology Specialist
Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Abdul Hakim
Orthopedic Specialist & Surgeon
Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital
Dr. A.K.M. Golam Kibriya
MBBS, FCPS (Surgery)
General & Laparoscopic Surgeon
Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Sultanul Abedin Titash
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery)
General, Laparoscopic & Breast Specialist Surgeon
Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Mahbubul Alam
MBBS, MS (Surgery)
General & Laparoscopic Surgeon
Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital
Dr. M. A. Bari
MBBS, MS (Urology)
Urology (Kidneys, Ureters, Prostate) Specialist & Surgeon
Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital
To Book Appointment with any specialist doctors of Zamzam Islami Hospital – Rajshahi, visit the individual doctor profile page here: All Doctor List of Zamzam Islami Hospital Rajshahi. Also, you can call the phone number above to book appointment.
Zamzam Islami Hospital Rajshahi Doctor List
- Zamzam Islami Hospital Rajshahi Doctor List
- Book appointment with Zamzam Islami Hospital – Rajshahi doctors
- All Doctor Profiles of Zamzam Islami Hospital, Rajshahi
Zamzam Islami Hospital Rajshahi Doctor List & Phone Number is regularly updated on Doctor Profile BD website. You can also find Hospital wise Doctor List and Specialty wise Doctor List from our website.