Islami Bank Hospital, Chittagong is one of the best Hospitals in Chittagong. The phone number, address and doctor list of Islami Bank Hospital – Chittagong is added on our website Doctor Profile BD.
Contact Info
Islami Bank Hospital, Chittagong
Address: 3, Sheikh Mujib Road, Agrabad, Chittagong
Phone Number: +8801731253990, +8801908402233
Islami Bank Hospital Chittagong Doctor List
Islami Bank Hospital, Chittagong Doctor List is given below with Doctors Name, Specialty, Qualification, Department and Workplace.
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Specialist Doctors of Islami Bank Hospital, Chittagong
Islami Bank Hospital Agrabad Doctor List:
Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak
MBBS, BCS (Health), D-CARD (NICVD), PGT (Medicine & Diabetes)
Cardiology & Medicine Specialist
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
Dr. A.K.M. Jafor Ullah
MBBS, BCS (Health), MD (Child)
Child Specialist
Chittagong General Hospital
Dr. Nazia Akter Swargo
Oral & Dental Surgeon
Islami Bank Hospital, Chittagong
Dr. Md. Mosharraf Hossain
BDS (DU), MSC (OMS), PGT (BSMMU), USM (Malaysia)
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
Islami Bank Hospital, Chittagong
Dr. Tafhima Faruk
Dental, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist
Islami Bank Hospital, Chittagong
Dr. Rehnuma Tabassum
Dental, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist
Islami Bank Hospital, Chittagong
Dr. Md. Rabiul Hossain
Dental & Oral Surgeon
Islami Bank Hospital, Chittagong
Prof. Dr. Abdul Qayum Chowdhury
MBBS, DLO, FCPS (ENT), Training (Audiology)
ENT Specialist & Surgeon
Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College
Major Dr. Md. Rezaul Karim
MBBS, MS (ENT), Diploma in Aviation Medicine (PAK), PhD (RU)
ENT Specialist & Surgeon
Chevron Clinical Laboratory, Chittagong
Dr. Mohammad Abul Bashar
ENT Specialist & Head Neck Surgeon
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
Major Dr. Faisal Bin Mohsin
Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist & Head Neck Surgeon
Bangladesh Navy Hospital, Chittagong
Dr. Md. Kamrul Islam
MBBS, DCO, Fellow in Cornea (USA)
Eye Specialist & Surgeon
Chittagong Eye Infirmary & Training Complex
Dr. Md. Musleh Uddin Shahed
MBBS, MD (Gastroenterology)
Gastroenterology & Liver Diseases Specialist
Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College
Dr. Shanjida Kabir
Gynecology, Obstetrics, Infertility Specialist & Laparoscopic Surgeon
Evercare Hospital, Chittagong
Dr. Farjana Ahmed Surovi
Gynecology & Obstetrics Specialist
Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College
Dr. Reshma Firoz
Gynecology Specialist & Surgeon
Bangabandhu Memorial Hospital, USTC, Chittagong
Dr. Mohammed Mahbubul Alam
MBBS, MCPS (Medicine), MRCGP (UK), D-CARD, PDDM (Diabetes) FICM (India)
Medicine, Diabetes & Cardiology Specialist
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
Dr. ASM Lutful Kabir Shimul
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine), MACP (USA), MCPS (Medicine)
Medicine & Rheumatology Specialist
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Abdur Rob
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine)
Medicine Specialist
Chittagong General Hospital
Dr. Jishu Deb Nath
Cardiology & Medicine Specialist
Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College
Dr. Mohammad Forkan
Medicine Specialist
Queen’s Hospital, London, UK
Dr. Zaman Ahammed
MBBS, BCS (Health), MD (Neurology)
Neuromedicine (Brain, Stroke, Nerve & Medicine) Specialist
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
Prof. Dr. Hossain Ahmed
MBBS, MS (ORTHO), MO (India), Training (Arthroplasty)
Orthopedic Specialist & Trauma Surgeon
Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College
Dr. Md. Abdur Rahman Sumon
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (ORTHO)
Orthopedic (Bone, Joint, Arthritis, Injury) & Trauma Surgeon
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Nazibur Rahman Khokon
MBBS, BCS (Health), MCPS (Medicine), MD (Rheumatology), ECRD (Switzerland)
Rheumatology, Arthritis & Medicine Specialist
General Hospital, Chittagong
Dr. Sayera Banu Sheuly
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery)
General, Colorectal, Breast & Laparoscopic Surgeon
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
Prof. Dr. Md. Mokhlesur Rahman
MBBS, MS (General Surgery)
General, Laparoscopic & Colorectal Surgeon
Chattogram International Medical College & Hospital
Dr. S.M. Ishtiaque Ali Rubel
MBBS. FCPS (Surgery)
General, Laparoscopic. Colorectal. Breast & Trauma Surgeon
Rangamati Medical College & Hospital
Dr. I S Abdul Ahad
MBBS, MPH, MS (Urology)
Urology Specialist & Surgeon
Bangladesh Railway Hospital, Chittagong
To Book Appointment with any specialist doctors of Islami Bank Hospital – Chittagong, visit the individual doctor profile page here: All Islami Bank Hospital Chittagong Doctor List. Also, you can call the phone number above to book appointment.
Islami Bank Hospital Agrabad Doctor List
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Islami Bank Hospital Chittagong Doctor List & Phone Number is regularly updated on Doctor Profile BD website. You can also find Hospital wise Doctor List and Specialty wise Doctor List from our website.