Chevron Clinical Laboratory, Halishahar is one of the best Diagnostics in Chittagong. The phone number, address and doctor list of Chevron Clinical Laboratory – Halishahar is added on our website Doctor Profile BD.
Contact Info
Chevron Clinical Laboratory, Halishahar
Address: 993/2121, Agrabad Access Road, Halishahar, Chattogram
Phone Number: +8801701229090, +8801701229071
Doctor List of Chevron Hospital Halishahar
Chevron Clinical Laboratory, Halishahar Doctor List is given below with Doctors Name, Specialty, Qualification, Department and Workplace.
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Specialist Doctors of Chevron Clinical Laboratory, Halishahar
Chevron Halishahar Doctor List:
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmed Chowdhury (Arzu)
MBBS, DCH, FCPS (Pediatrics), FRCP (UK)
Child Diseases Specialist
Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College
Dr. Jahangir Alam Murad
Child Specialist
Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College
Dr. Md. Shahjahan
Newborn & Child Diseases Specialist
Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College
Dr. Mohammad Rakibul Hasan Chowdhury
BDS (CU), PGT (Prosthodontics), Training (Dental Implant)
Dental & Oral Specialist
Institute of Health Technology, Chittagong
Dr. Viqarunnisa Vicky
BDS (CU), PGT (Prosthodontics)
Dental & Oral Specialist
Institute of Health Technology, Chittagong
Dr. Masudul Islam
ENT Specialist & Head Neck Surgeon
Chattogram International Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Farzana Haseen Mukti
Gynecology, Obstetrics Specialist & Surgeon
Evercare Hospital, Chittagong
Dr. Jahanara Begum Sikha
Gynecologist & Surgeon
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Tanzina Jahan
Gynecology & Obstetrics Specialist
Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College
Dr. Sumon Rahman Chowdhury
BBS, CCD (Diabetology), MMED (Endocrinology), MACE (USA), PGD (Diabetes, UK)
Endocrinology (Diabetes, Thyroid & Hormon) Specialist
Chattogram Diabetic General Hospital
Dr. ASM Lutful Kabir Shimul
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine), MACP (USA), MCPS (Medicine)
Medicine & Rheumatology Specialist
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Abdul Hamid Sagar
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine)
Medicine Specialist
National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases & Hospital
Dr. Mohammad Mamun Reza
MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Medicine), PGT (Cardiology)
Medicine & Cardiology Specialist
Chevron Clinical Laboratory, Halishahar
Dr. Md. Waliur Rahman
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine)
Medicine Specialist
Sitakunda Upazila Health Complex, Chittagong
Dr. Md. Sanaullah Shamim
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Neurosurgery), FACS (USA)
Neurosurgery Specialist
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Moin Uddin
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation)
Interventional Pain, Arthritis & Spine Specialist
Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Surjit Ghosh
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery)
General Surgery Specialist
Patiya Upazila Health Complex, Chittagong
To Book Appointment with any specialist doctors of Chevron Clinical Laboratory – Halishahar, visit the individual doctor profile page here: All Doctor List of Chevron Hospital Halishahar. Also, you can call the phone number above to book appointment.
Chevron Halishahar Doctor List
- Chevron Halishahar Doctor List
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- All Doctor Profiles of Chevron Clinical Laboratory, Halishahar
Chevron Halishahar Doctor List & Phone Number is regularly updated on Doctor Profile BD website. You can also find Hospital wise Doctor List and Specialty wise Doctor List from our website.